#1000 (s5777-18
/ 3 Shvat 5777)
Right on Time
Avraham-Yitzchak Kohn (the previous Rebbe of Toldos Aharon) noticed
that his travelling companions were rubbing their eyes in amazement.
Seasonal - Yud Shvat: Passing of the 6th Lubavitcher Rebbe in 5710 (1950);
inauguration of the 7th Rebbe in 5711 (1951)
/ 25 Tevet 5777)
On the Road
Rabbi Zusya of Anipoli was revealed as one of the spiritual giants of the
generation, he lived the life of a nomad.
Connection: Seasonal -
the 217th yahrzeit of Rabbi Zusya falls this coming Saturday night - Sunday.
#998 (s5777-16
/ 18 Tevet 5777)
A Departure from Custom
As Rebbe Yechiel-Michil of Zlotchov was returning home from his pre-Shabbat
immersion in the mikveh, he suddenly requested a chair, and then, right there,
sat dowin the middle of the street!
Connection: Seasonal - the 204th
yahrzeit of Rabbi Shneur Zalman falls this coming Saturday night - Sunday.
commemoration, I shall tell stories at a special Melaveh Malka celebration
in Ramat Beit Shemesh Alef on Saturday
night, 24 Tevet / January 23. COME AND LISTEN - compare the oral to the written
#997 (s5777-15
/ 11 Tevet 5777)
The Story of the Story of His Life
The Besht, the Maggid, The Baal HaToldos and Menachem Mendel of Horodok/Vitebsk
Connection: Weekly Reading -- "Come together, and I will
tell you what will happen in the course of time. Come and listen...." (Gen.
49:1-5, translation from "The Living Torah")
/ 4 Tevet 5777)
A Heaven-Shaking Change of Name
"What will become of me? I will remain here forever. Even after I recuperate,
no country will accept me, since I was once sick with typhus."
Seasonal: Kaddish Day for holocaust martyrs
/ 25 Kislev 5777)
A Deserved Chanukah Miracle
The first time the two rabbis of the "Chabad Terror Victims Project"
met Sgt. Ohad Benyishai of the IDF, he was lying unconscious in a hospital bed,
having been critically injured during "Operation Protective Edge" in
Gaza. It was uncertain if he would survive.
Connection: Seasonal:
Chanukah miracle
#994 (s5777-12
/ 20 Kislev 5777)
The Fluctuating Price of Lumber
Before Rabbi Simcha-Bunim became the Peshischa Rebbe, there
were years when he earned his living as a lumber merchant, and as a pharmacist.
Weekly Reading -- Yosef & Potifar (Gen. 39:1-5).
/ 11 Kislev 5777)
A Tsfat Ticket to Success
People who go to his grave, study his seminal work, Bat Ayin,
learn from his ways, and/or arrange a celebratory meal to honor the yahrtzeit,
can merit salvations and blessings
Connection: Seasonal--Yahrzeit
of the Bat Ayin on 12th Kislev (2016: Dec. 12).
/ 5 Kislev 5777)
Welcoming Angels
been waiting over 50 years to relate this story!"
Weekly Reading of Vayetzei -- two camps of angels (last two verses)
(s5777-09 / 27
Cheshvan 5777)
Precious Kiddush Bread Reb
Yudel Holtzman sighed. "What shall I do? I have already borrowed and
given away all the money for tzedakah (charity) I will have to give for
all of next year."
Connection: Weekly Reading - Maaser
(tithing) - Gen. 26:12 w' Rashi (+28:22 next week and 14:20 last month).
#990 (s5777-08
/ 21 Cheshvan 5777)
A Valuable Book Sale Rabbi
Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev thought for a moment and then replied, "Yes,
I think I know the right girl who will make a fine wife for your son.
Weekly Reading of Chaye Sara - the only Jewish shiduch (match) and betrothal
discussed in the Written Torah.
/ 13 Cheshvan 5777)
Better Wood and Stone
Although Rabbi Mordechai of Neshitz held a position of authority and honor,
his congregants were far too poor to pay him a decent salary, and so, he was as
poor as they were.
Connection: Weekly Reading of Vayera -- hospitality
#988 (s5777-06
/ 6 Cheshvan 5777)
From Tianjin, China to Tsfat, Israel
What brings a young man born in modern, communist China to the Land of Israel
and to Orthodox Judaism?
Connection: Weekly Reading of Lech Lecha--"Go:
from your land, from your birthplace, from your father's home...."
#987b (424 revised) (s5777-05
/ 29 Tishrei 5777)
A Miracle for Safed Featuring:
Rabbi Aharon Eliezer Zeitlin, of blessed memory
Seasonal - first yahrzeit on the 2nd of Mar-Cheshvan (2016: Nov. 3)
#987 (s5777-04
/ 24 Tishrei 5777)
On a Narrow Winding Safed Street
Rebbe Shmelke of Nickelsburg explained his custom by saying that when
one recites a blessing it creates an angel, but the angel isn't complete unless
someone answers Amen to the blessing.
Connection:Weekly Reading
of Bereshis -- [On the sixth day,] G-d created the human body complete
with all its complexities.
#986 (s5777-03
/ 14 Tishrei 5777)
Preferable to Silver
He explained his community's desire to honor the Lubavitcher Rebbe with
an impressive gift, but his own reluctance to do so if it should be against the
Rebbe's wishes.
Connection:Seaonal - Sukkot
/ 8 Tishrei 5777)
Blessing for a Falsified Medical
The chasidim stood shocked and bewildered. Never had they
heard such an uncharacteristic outcry from the Rebbe, R David-Moshe of Chortkov.
- Yom Kipur
#984 (s5777-01
/ 29 Elul 5776)
The Missing Sobs of the Shofar
Although he was often asked to lead the synagogue in prayer and was always chosen
to sound the shofar on Rosh HaShana, it wasn't enough.
- Rosh HaShana.