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As told by
Yerachmiel Tilles, co-founder and first educational
director of Ascent-of-Safed, originator and maintainer of this website, and managing
editor of Kabbala Online. He has hundreds
of published stories in many venues and in (at least) a half dozen languages.
He tells them live in Tsfat (Safed) nearly every week, at his home on Friday evenings
and at Ascent on Saturday nights. To subscribe
to his weekly email story, join his WhatsApp group for an additional audio
story and video story,and/or to purchase any of his books, see the 3 announcements
below. |
Ascent Story Weekly Mailing list is now in its 27th year! It is
updated on this site by Tuesday and emailed by Wednesday (including a
printable PDF option).
Sign up today!
(For informtion
on the hard-cover and soft-cover story collections of Y. Tilles, look to
the right of the photo. To
join his WhatsApp stories group, see directly below) | The
books of the "Full
Moon stories" seriesby
Yerachmiel Tillesare
available for purchase
in Jewish bookstores internationally, and
online on various booksellers' sites (Google search on "Yerachmiel
Michael Tilles" )
| The Ascent storyteller WHATSAPP
GROUPa different
Audio, Video and Print story each Saturday night!
To Join "TillesTells", or for
more about the group,
| |
1396 |
"The Conflicted Tailor"
He looked for ways to increase his meager income but never succeeded.
When he couldn't stand his desperate economic situation any longer, he
went to the tzadik , the "Ohev Yisrael" of Apta.
Why this Week? This week's Torah reading contains many commandments.
One striking prohibition is to not wear a garment with a wool and linen
LAST week's Story
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"Jobless, Twenty-Seven Years Old, and Single"
"I decided to do regular army service. To be honest," she said
with a smile, "I just wanted to be able to have an excuse to trade
in my skirts for pants!"
Why this week? This week's Torah reading opens with: "Judges and
police you should have in all your communities"
Why this week? Kashrut is a major concern in this week's Torah reading,
NEXT week's Story
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"It's Shabbat - Let's Dance!"
On their way home from shul, his host turned to the Baal Shem Tov and
said, "I want you to know that I eat the Shabbat meal together with
my wife at the table. I hope you don't mind."
Why this week? This Shabbat, 18 ELUL, is the birthdate of the Baal Shem
Tov and the anniversary of his first revealing the Chassidic movement.