Weekly Chasidic Story #998 (s5777-16 / 18 Tevet 5777) A Departure from Custom As Rebbe Yechiel-Michil of Zlotchov was returning home from his pre-Shabbat immersion in the mikveh, he suddenly requested a chair, and then, right there, sat dowin the middle of the street! Connection: Seasonal - the 204th yahrzeit of Rabbi Shneur Zalman falls this coming Saturday night - Sunday. A Departure from Custom
That night at the Shabbat table, Reb Michel delivered a long Chassidic discourse, in the manner of Rabbi Shneur Zalman, the [first] Lubavitcher Rebbe. His disciples were surprised, as Reb Michel had always conducted himself like the other Chasidic rebbes of Poland, who would say only a few, terse words of Torah at the Shabbat table. His students considered if it could be possible that their teacher had undergone some sort of change and from now on would adhere to the customs of Chabad? The next day, however, they realized that this was not the case, for Reb Michel returned to his former behavior during the Shabbat meal, relating words of Torah in his usual manner. The same held true at the third Shabbat meal, Seuda Shlishit. What had caused Reb Michel to change his custom the previous night, the chasidim wondered. Some time later Reb Michel gave his students the explanation for his conduct
that day. "I was walking home from the mikveh when, all of a sudden,
I heard a maamar (chasidic discourse) of Rabbi Shneur Zalman, as it was being
learned in Gan Eden (Heaven). I sat down then and there, so I could better
concentrate and listen. The discourse I gave that Friday night at the Shabbat
table was what I had just overheard in the celestial spheres." Source: Adapted by Yerachmiel Tilles from the rendition in Extraordinary Chassidic Tales, Volume 1. by Rabbi Rafael Nachman Kahn. Translated from Hebrew by Basha Majerczyk. Biographic notes: Rabbi Shneur Zalman [of blessed memory: 18 Elul 5505 - 24 Tevet 5573 (1745 - Dec. 1812 C.E.)], one of the main disciples of the Maggid of Mezritch, successor to the Baal Shem Tov. is the founder-and "Alter Rebbe" -of the Chabad-Chassidic movement. He is the author of Shulchan Aruch HaRav and Tanya as well as many other major works in both Jewish law and the mystical teachings. Connection: Seasonal - the 204th yahrzeit of Rabbi Shneur Zalman falls this coming Saturday night - Sunday. Editor's note:
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