The Mystical Month To Come[Sign up here for a monthly list!] SHEVAT 5785 (Jan.30-Feb. 282025)
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1 Shevat (Jan. 30) -- Rosh Chodesh 3 Shevat (Jan. 31-Feb.1) -- Shabbat Bo, Torah Reading: Ex.
10:1-13:16; Haftorah: Jeremiah 46:13-28 10 Shevat (Feb.7-8) -- -- Shabbat Beshalach, Shabbat Shirah -- Torah Reading: Ex. 13:17-17:16; Haftorah: Judges 4:4-5:5:31. Yahrzeit of Rabbi Yosef Yitschak Schneerson (1880-1950), the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe and the beginning of the reign of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn (1902-1994) as The Rebbe. Also the yahrzeit of Rabbi Shalom Sharabi ("Reshash"), the great Yemenite 18th century Kabbalist, who's "Siddur/prayerbook with Kavannot/mystical intentions" is still so influential today 15 Shevat (Feb. 12-13) -- Tu b'Shevat --The New Year's Day for trees of Israel -- One of the most important authorities on Jewish Law, the Magen Avraham, writes in his notes to the Code of Law (131:16): "It is the custom on Tu b'Shevat to eat many different kinds of fruit." The Tu b'Shevat Seder Celebration: Hopefully, you will find this Seder also to be a liberating, enlightening experience. (For more information on the Seder please see 17 Shevat (Feb. 14-15) -- Shabbat Yitro, Torah Reading: Ex. 18:1-20:23; Haftorah: Isaiah 6:1-7:6, 9:5-6. 18 Shevat (Feb. 16)This is the day, 40 years ago, that the founders of Ascent received by letter the blessing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe for the establishing of Ascent 22 Shevat (Feb.20) -- Yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, daughter of Rabbi Yosef Yitschak of Lubavitch, wife of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. 24 Shevat (Feb. 21-22) -- Shabbat Mishpatim, and Blessing
of the New Month -- Torah Reading: Ex. 21:1-24:18, Haftorah: Jeremiah
33:25-26, 34:8-22 30 Shevat (Feb. 28) -- First Day of Rosh Chodesh Adar
May you have a Fruitful Month
of Shevat!