#772 (s5772-51 / 23
Elul 5772)
The Prayerbook of Screams
on cigarette paper in a Siberian prisoner-of-war camp
Seasonal: Rosh Hashana 5773
(s5772-50 / 15 Elul 5772
After Thirty-Three
Years of Childlessness
The Ba'al Shem Tov's
disciple was deeply upset at the bitter lot of the couple
Seasonal: 314th anniversary of Baal Shem Tov's birth.
(s5772-49 / 9 Elul 5772)
Conflicting Prophecies
Chassid and his wife decided that he would go to beseech the Shpoler Zeide
once more. This time, no matter what, he would not take 'no' for an answer.
Seasonal - 221st yahrzeit of Rabbi Pinchas of Koretz.
(s5772-48 / 2 Elul 5772)
"To Him Shall You Hearken...And
It Will Go Well For You"
The four brothers
came to say Kaddish for their father, then confided in me that they had
a fifth brother who the doctors estimated had 6-8 months left to live.
Weekly reading - verses 18:15 and 19:13 play a significant role in the story.
#768 (s5772-47 / 25 Menachem-Av
Studying Talmud in English
he was in an advanced stage of liver cancer, he participated in the daily study
every day in an exceptionally upbeat manner, armed with his ArtScroll Gemara.
Seasonal - The Talmud Completion ceremony in MetLife Stadium, NJ, on August 1,
attended by 93,000 people!
(s5772-46 / 18 Menachem-Av 5772)
One Mezuza -- Two Souls
warned her that a Jewish student living alone in a French town with a mezuzah
on her doorpost is taking a big risk.
Connection: Weekly
reading - the mitzvah of mezuzah: Deut. 11:20(+21).
(s5772-45 / 11 Menachem-Av 5772)
Every Moment is Precious
his youth, Rabbi Shalom of Belz had the habit of smoking a pipe excessively,
particularly while learning in the beit hamidrash.
Weekly Torah - "Guard yourself very carefully" (4:9, and again, 4:15).
#765 (s5772-44 / 4 Menachem-Av
The Eighth Plague Again
students of the Holy Ari of Tsfat became very frightened and asked: "Rebbe,
for what has this severe punishment been decreed? What sin have the residents
of Safed committed?"
Connection: Seasonal - the upcoming
440th yahrzeit of the Arizal
(s5772-43 / 27 Tammuz 5772)
Saved by a Match
the eve of the trial, the nervous defendant went to the Bobover Rebbe, Rabbi
Bentzion Halberstam, for a blessing. The Rebbe added some very strange instructions.
Connection: Seasonal - the upcoming 61st yahrzeit of the Bobover
#763 (s5772-42
/ 20 Tammuz 5772)
Account of a Spirit Possession
quickly and call the wise Rabbi Shmuel Vital,for he can remove me from
within her body."
Connection: Seasonal - the date of
the episode (as recorded in the final paragraph)
(s5772-41 / 12 Tammuz 5772)
Magnetic Attraction
the Rebbe Rashab was finished sorting the Kherson archive, he sent it to
his son, the Rebbe Rayatz, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Shneersohn.
Seasonal - Yud-Beit (12th) Tammuz is the anniversary of the birthday (1880) and
Liberation Day (in 1927) of the Rebbe Rayatz.
(s5772-40 / 5 Tammuz 5772)
Death-March Water
Yekusiel-Yehuda Halberstram, Rebbe of Sanz/Klausenberg, was part of a work
force of 3,000 Jews that the Germans took from the death camp Birkinau in 1944
to clean the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto.
Connection: Seasonal
- The 18th yahrzeit of the Klausenburg/Sanz Rebbe, on Erev Shabbat
(s5772-39 / 29 Sivan 5772)
Four Days in Brussels
my flights and business exhibits there's plenty of free time, and I take advantage
of it for the Tefilin Campaign of the Lubavitcher Rebbe."
Seasonal - The 18th yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, M. M. Schneerson, on Shabbat
#759 (s5772-38 / 22 Sivan 5772)
An Angry Prophecy
"A genuine
chasidic rebbe is like a master diamond cutter....Such was the Minchas Elazar."
Weekly Torah Reading - the verses at the end (Num. 15:37-41) about tzitzit
that we recite each day as part of the Shma Yisrael prayer.
(s5772-37 / 15 Sivan 5772)
Humility Personified
Rebbe Chanoch-Henich of Alexander told of how Rabbi
Abraham-Abish Frankfurter used to make the rounds of
wealthy merchants who came to his city to conduct business, in order to solicit
donations which he later distributed to the poor, widows and orphans
Weekly Torah Reading - Num. 12:3 (see also 11:29).
(s5772-36 / 8 Sivan 5772)
Saturday Night Special
Dovid-Moshe of Chortkov expounded to his chasidim how
the merit of King David protects those who eat the "Melave Malka" meal.
Connection (among others): King David passed away on Shavuot.
#756 (s5772-35 / 1 Sivan 5772)
Thunder and Lightning
A few
days before the festival of Shavuot, Rabbi Baruch of Medzibush went to
pray at the resting place of his holy grandfather, the Baal Shem Tov.
#755 (s5772-34 / 23
Iyar 5772)
More than Eighty Thousand Welcoming Souls
my message to Rebbe Yisrael of Ruzhin in Sadigora," stated Rebbe
Meir of Premishlan, "and you will not need to give me that sum of redemption
Connection:Seasonal - The 162nd yahrzeit of Rebbe
Meir of Premishlan
(s5772-33 / 15 Iyar 5772)
Parting Gift
B'OMER "Departure" of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.
- Lag b'Omer
(s5772-32 / 8 Iyar 5772)
The Chief Doctor
of Mezritch) The Jews of Vilna heard that the king would be arriving in
town, and his personal physician, who was a wayward Jew, would be accompanying
Connection:Seasonal - Iyar is the month of healing.
Its four letters are an acronym for: "I, G-d, am your doctor."
#752 (s5772-31 / 2 Iyar 5772)
Three Times No
If the deal succeeded
he would make millions. He hurried off to Lubavitch for the advice and blessing
of the Rebbe Maharash.
Connection:Seasonal -
the 178th anniversary of the birth of the Rebbe Maharash.
(s5772-30 / 24 Nissan 5772)
Missed Opportunity
Chaim Vital's reputation for greatness spread even to the non-Jews of The
Land of Israel -- and this in itself sometimes caused him serious problems.
Connection:Seasonal - Saturday night is the yahrzeit of Rabbi Chaim
#750 (s5772-29
/ 19 Nissan 5772)
Look in the Pot
Chaim Soloveitchik forbade him to speak in any synagogue
in the city.
Connection: Weekly reading - kosher
(s5772-28 / 12 Nissan 5772)
Getting the Message
rabbi who also lived in Chernobyl wanted nothing to do with the Chasidim. He even
refused to pay R. Mottele, the Chernobler Rebbe, so much as a courteous
Connection: Seasonal -- Passover
(s5772-27 / 4 Nissan 5772)
Erasing the Past
of the university students exclaimed in amazment and skepticism to the Lubavitcher
Rebbe, "Does that mean the Rebbe never makes a mistake?"
Connection: Seasonal -- Yud-Alef Nissan this year (April 3,
2012) marks 110 years since the birth of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
(s5772-26 / 25 Adar 5772)
Only to See
no longer observant at all, the wealthy businessman had a strong wish to see the
holy Rebbe Reshab of Lubavitch.
Seasonal -- The 92nd yahrzeit of the Rebbe Reshab
(s5772-25 / 18 Adar 5772)
Choking on a Sin
chasid took his leave of the Rebbe R. Elimelech of Lizhensk in puzzlement-why
did the rebbe choose to speak about milk and meat just as he was departing?
Seasonal -- The 225th yahrzeit of the Rebbe Elimelech
(s5772-24 / 11 Adar 5772)
The Second Tefilin Connection
Moshe Feinstein expressed great interest in what the Lubavitcher Rebbe
had said about tefilin, but agreed to do it only if the Rebbe himself would
select the proper scribe.
Connection: Seasonal -- The yahrzeit
of Rabbi Feinstein is on Erev Purim
(s5772-23 / 4 Adar 5772) (#226 repeated with a delightful, inspiring video link)
Forest and the Rose
the regular driver for the tzaddik, Reb Leib Sarah's, he had experience
in these miraculous-seeming journeys, but this time he could barely believe the
evidence of his eyes..
Connection: Seasonal
(2) -- The yahrzeit of each of the two great rebbes in the story both fall this
#743 (s5772-22
/ 28 Shvat 5772)
Napoleon's Red Velvet Robe
Napoleon heard about the saintlliness and powers of prophetic vision of Rabbi
Dovid of Lelov, he decided to visit him.
Weekly Reading - special high garments
(s5772-21 / 21 Shvat 5772)
The Full Name
Rebbe HaRayatz of Lubavitch blessed that the critically ill man should have
a complete recovery and also suggested that he add to his name.
(2): Seasonal - see Editor's Note at end; Weekly Torah - healing is discussed
#741 (s5772-20 / 13 Shvat 5772)
Hundred Plus The Roman Emperor Hadrian was not without
a sense of humor, albeit a malicious one.
Connection: Seasonal
- Tu B'Shvat
(s5772-19 / 6 Shvat 5772)
Steady Hands The
elderly Jew said he would accept a cup of free coffee at the Chabad counter in
the airport, but only if it would be full to the brim.
1) Weekly Reading - 1&11-12; 2) Yud Shvat - when the Rebbe officially
assumed leadership of Chabad in 5711 (1951).
(s5772-18 / 28 Tevet 5772)
Very Fair Wages The
wife of the Rebbe Reb Zusya was accustomed to making do with very little,
wearing the same old clothes year after year.
Seasonal - Yahrzeit of Reb Zusya
(s5772-17 / 21 Tevet 5772)
Loyal Communist Comrades Soon
after his wife gave birth to their first child, a son, he said that he was suing
for divorce. The reason: his wife had the baby circumcised!
Seasonal - Two dates that fall this week are mentioned in the story
(s5772-16 / 14 Tevet 5772)
Tailor to the Rescue
brawny policemen barged into the home of Rabbi Hillel Paritcher to cut
off his peyot.
Connection: Weekly Reading - One of
the four ways we Jews merited the redemption from Egypt was adhering to Jewish
#736 (s5772-15
/ 7 Tevet 5772)
A Soldier, a Survivor, and a Song
nanny saved his life -- but also taught him to spit on the ground when a Jew walked
Connection: The Fast Day of the Tenth of Tevet
(Thursday, Jan. 5) is when we say Kaddish for those Holocaust martyrs whose date
of death is unknown.
(s5772-14 / 30 Kislev 5772)
The Lubavitcher Rebbe and Zorba
the Greek
"It's clear," the Lubavitcher
Rebbe said to me," that you have taken good care of your mind and of
your body. But what have you done to take care of your soul?"
Current events - the author of "Zorba the Greek" (!)
(s5772-13 / 23 Kislev 5772)
The Chanuka Heirloom
refugee boy dropped an ornate Chanuka menora that he had been holding tightly
against his chest.
Connection: Seaonal - Chanukah
#733 (s5772-12 / 16 Kislev 5772)
Feast, Chasidic style
That Shabbat was one of the most
wonderful ever experienced by any group of chasidim of the Baal Tanya.
Seaonal - Yud-Tes Kislev celebration
(s5772-11 / 9 Kislev 5772)
The Wrestling Rabbi
In Israel, Rabbi Raphael Halperin was one of those rare figures who established
his bona fides in the Orthodox and non-Orthodox communities.
Weekly Torah - wrestling
(s5772-10 / 2 Kislev 5772)
The Match in the Mirror
The bride-to-be of the Divrei Chaim wept bitter tears; her father attempted
to conciliate her and to encourage her with reassuring ideas.
Weekly Torah - soulmates
(s5772-09 / 24 Cheshvan 5772)
True Blindness
Rabbi Pinchas of Koretz warned his visitor that all the members of his
family who looked at him were also in danger of losing their vision.
Weekly Torah - Gen. 27:1 with Rashi's explanation
(s5772-08 / 17 Cheshvan 5772)
The Dreams of the Angel's Wife
After the passing of Avraham the Angel's first wife, his father, the Maggid
of Mezritch, sought a second partner for him.
Weekly Torah (3) - Passing of Sarah, matchmaking negotiations for Yitzchak &
Rivka, remarriage of Avraham
(s5772-07 / 10 Cheshvan 5772)
A Unique Guest
The synagogue was quite an impressive structure considering its location in a
part of England not known for Jewish communities. Unfortunately, it felt desolate
and was nearly uninhabited.
Connection: Weekly Torah - Hospitality
#727 (s5772-06 / 3 Cheshvan
You Never Know
He went
to the Mohel in Germany to finally be circumcised, but an extraordinary technical
obstacle arose.
Connection: Weekly Torah - Circumcision
#726 (s5772-05 / 26 Tishrei
With All Your Might
can I do to add to the spiritual quality of life in this city?" asked the
visiting tzadik, Rabbi Nachum of Chernobyl.
(2): Weekly Torah - the flood waters were considered like a mikveh for the world;
Seasonal -- 224th yahrzeit of the Chernobler.
(s5772-04 / 19 Tishrei 5772)
Neither in Water nor Fire
The Lubavitcher Rebbe instituted that every year on Simchat Torah, hundreds
of Chassidim would walk near and far to celebrate with Jews in synagogues in Brooklyn,
Queens and Manhattan.
Connection: Seasonal - SIMCHAT
#724 (s5772-03
/ 12 Tishrei 5772)
Cold Coffee
His mother ran directly to the Kozhnitzer Maggid and implored him to help.
Connection: Seasonal - Erev SUKKOT
#723 (s5772-02 / 5 Tishrei 5772)
Yom Kippur Exchange
"There are two names here
but you only brought two coins. You must either give me two more coins or delete
one of the names," said Rebbe Levi Yitzchak of Berdichov firmly.
Seasonal - YOM KIPPUR
(s5772-01 / Erev Rosh Hashana 5772)
Almost Too Clever
Rabbi Simchah Bunem of Pshischah entered the rebbe's study, the Seer
of Lublin taught him all the kabbalistic significances of blowing the shofar.