Weekly Chasidic Story #994 (s5777-12 / 20 Kislev 5777) The Fluctuating Price of Lumber Before Rabbi Simcha-Bunim became the Peshischa Rebbe, there were years when he earned his living as a lumber merchant, and as a pharmacist. Connection: Weekly Reading -- Yosef & Potifar (Gen. 39:1-5). The Fluctuating Price of Lumber
Once R. Bunim took a large shipment of wood from Warsaw to Danzig, where the annual grand trade fair was being held. By the time he reached Danzig, the price of wood had fallen drastically. All of the other lumber merchants were forced to dump their merchandise at a great loss. He, however, decided to hold on to his goods and wait for the price to rise again, even though his financial situation could ill afford the delay. When his condition became critical, he lifted his voice in prayer, saying, "G-d Al-mighty, we see in Your Torah that Potifar's house was blessed in Yosef's merit. I cannot begin to compare myself to Yosef, but neither can I compare my Jewish master, Reb Dov Ber, to Potifar the Egyptian. Let me plead, therefore, that you help my employer and bless him, as you did Yosef!" His prayer did not go unanswered. Moments after the words were out of his mouth, a lumber merchant rushed in to the room, announcing that, somehow, the price of wood had just soared again. Rabbi Simcha Bumin was able to sell the wood at a great profit for Reb Dov-Ber! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Biographic note: Connection: Weekly Reading - Yosef & Potifar (Gen. 39:1-5)
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