story #411
(s5765-54/24 Elul 5765)
The Jerusalem Shofar
shofar blowing of Yoel Chaim Weissfinger was legendary in the Old City
of Jerusalem.
story #410
(s5765-53/17 Elul 5765)
The Price of Spilt Milk
Baal Shem Tov succeeded in collecting the sum necessary
to redeem a family imprisoned by a particularly stubborn landowner.
story #409 (s5765-52/10 Elul
Return From Israel
Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev walked up and down his room in distress.
story #408 (s5765-51/3 Elul 5765)
of the Living
The Tzemech Tzedek used
to send chasidim to hear chasidic teachings from his mouth.
story #407 (s5765-50/ 26 Menachem-Av
An Accompanying Soul
Yitzchak Luria, the holy Ari looked up at R' Chaim Vital standing in
the doorway and rose in his honor.
story #406
(s5765-49/ 19 Menachem-Av 5765)
Also the Small Print
attendant was shocked to hear Rabbi Aharon of Belz raising his voice; he
never employed such a tone of voice when speaking to another Jew.
story #405 (s5765-48/ 12 Menachem-Av
Red Feather
Red Feather,
whose mother was Jewish, had grown up to be the new Indian medicine man. He is
known for his healing powers.
story #404
(s5765-47/ 5 Menachem-Av 5765)
The Lion of Safed
Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, the holy Ari of blessed memory: a biography.
story #403 (s5765-46/ 27 Tammuz
A Modern Visitor
Simcha Bunim of Peshischa and the Ramak and the Ari.
story #402 (s5765-45/ 20 Tammuz
A Hilarious Sight
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev and Rabbi Shlomo of Karlin sat
opposite each other, their faces afire, neither saying a word.
story #401 (s5765-44/ 13 Tammuz
The Western Light
In 1743, the Baal Shem Tov traveled towards Israel in order to meet with
the Ohr HaChayim.
story #400
(s5765-43/ 6 Tammuz 5765)
A Prolific Nap
On Shabbat afternoon he found the Holy Ari of Safed napping on his bed,
but his lips were murmuring.
story #399
(s5765-42/ 1 Tammuz 5765)
A Subway Conversation
With a Kohen
I saw the Lubavitcher Rebbe
point to the sky and make a circle with his finger in the air.
story #398 (s5765-41/ 22 Sivan
A Cheeky Toast
Reb Shlomo of Redomsk: "How inspired was the Yid HaKadosh of Pshischah
when he once visited this town!"
story #397
(s5765-40/ 15 Sivan 5765)
How to See Israel
After a year of seclusion, Rabbi Avraham-Dov of Avritch invited the Jews
of Tsfat to a feast of thanksgiving.
story #396
(s5765-39/ 8 Sivan 5765)
Under the Ban
Rabbi Aryeh-Leib Heller, the Ketzot HaShulchan, was an opponent of Chasidism,
and many chasidim of the Seer of Lublin lived in his town.
story #395 (s5765-38/ 29 Iyar
A Significant Bar Mitzvah Speech
"Whoever answers these three questions," the Shelah had stipulated, "should
be appointed the chief Rabbi."
story #394
(s5765-37/ 25 Iyar 5765)
Three Rubles for
a Mismatch
"But...won't I receive three
rubles as payment for suggesting the match?" he stammered.
story #393 (s5765-36/ 18 Iyar
The Dream of Yochai
Yochai was scholarly, wealthy and respected; Sarah was descended
from Hillel the Elder.
story #392
(s5765-35/ 9 Iyar 5765)
A Sunday Afternoon
His eyes were closed and tears streamed
down his cheeks; his face was intense with concentration.
#391 (s5765-34/ 2 Iyar 5765)
Withheld Blessings
Rabbi Shmuel of Lubavitch
set a condition: "You must refrain from giving any blessings along the journey."
story #390 (s5765-33/ 25 Nisan
Time To Go Home
home!" said Rabbi Mordechai of Neshchiz to Rabbi Naftali of Ropshitz.
story #389 (s5765-32/ 11 Nisan
Four Boxes of Matza
Once upon a time in a small city in Midwestern America,,, the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
story #388 (s5765-31/
4 Nisan 5765)
A Lenient Passover
"Tell me the truth, please," Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heschel of Apta
said to her.
story #387
(s5765-30/ 26 Adar II 5765)
Wine More Valuable
Than Money
After listening to the sad tale,
Rabbi Yechezkel Landau of Prague promised to intervene.
story #386 (s5765-29/ 19 Adar
II 5765)
A Worthy Cause
He said to Rabbi Meir of Primishlan: "Tell me if this cow I will slaughter
will be kosher or not."
story #385
(s5765-28/ 12 Adar II 5765)
Fast or Feast?
Three emissaries of the Queen came to Rabbi Elazar Rokeach of Amsterdam on
an urgent mission.
story #384
(s5765-27/ 5 Adar II 5765)
Chariots of Strength
Their challenges run beyond the physical; they struggle financially and must brave
suggestions that they're not up to the task of parenting.
#383 (s5765-26/ 28 I Adar 5765)
Trust Fund
Said the Ohel Yisrael, "I
will give you a letter to another of my chasidim, but this man is not so rich."
story #382 (s5765-25/ 21 Adar
I 5765)
Food for Thought
Rabbi Elimelech of Lyzhinsk sensed that his guest had not yet refined and
elevated his appetite for food.
story #381
(s5765-24/ 14 Adar I 5765)
The Borrowed Pipe
The disciples of the Baal Shem Tov repeatedly requested that he show them
the Prophet Eliyahu.
story #380
(s5765-23/ 7 Adar I 5765)
voice of Rebbe Yechezkel of Kuzmir rang out: "Why are you staring
at me so much?"
story #379
(s5765-22/ 30 Shvat 5765)
The Second and Third
Instead of cursing Rabbi Naftali of
Ropshitz as he did the previous time, he greeted him with a smile.
story #378 (s5765-21/ 23 Shvat
Thailand Taught Me Torah
was the only white person on an intercity bus traveling east from Chang Mai through
Northern Thailand.
story #377
(s5765-20/ 16 Shvat 5765)
The Slippery Slope
Tu B"Shvat, Rabbi Shalom Ber of Lubavitch and his son sat with a group
of Polisher chasidim who were exchanging stories about Rebbe Meir of Primishlan.
story #376 (s5765-19/ 9 Shvat
Hippie Rage
"How did
the Lubavitcher Rebbe know you were coming?"
#375 (s5765-18/ 2 Shvat 5765)
The Chauffeur's Tale
"I would not dream of taking
money from a member of the family of Baba Sali."
#374 (s5765-17/ 24 Tevet 5765)
Give Me the Shivers
"Nonsense!" said Rabbi
Shneur Zalman of Chabad ; "It is simply malaria."
story #373 (s5765-16/ 17 Tevet
Worse Than Poverty
said Rabbi Yitzchak Meir of Gur; "I am not in agreement with that
story #372 (s5765-15/
10 Tevet 5765)
Switching the View
Simon Wiesenthal he was in Mauthausen after liberation and was visited
there by Rabbi Eliezer Silver.
story #371
(s5765-14/ 3 Tevet 5765)
A Chasidic Broker
will not ride with you to Rabbi Feivish of Zabriza unless you give me 25
silver rubles," said Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kossov.
story #370 (s5765-13/ 25 Kislev
The Broken Bottle
guest was awed by the plush richness of the Baghdad merchant's home; only one
thing perplexed him.
story #369
(s5765-12/ 18 Kislev 5765)
The Departure of
the Maggid
His disciples were greatly agitated,
but the Maggid of Mezritch himself kept silent.
#368 (s5765-11/ 11 Kislev 5765)
The Brother, the Son and the Nephew
The two Chabad
chasidim also wanted to receive wine from the Ruzhiner Rebbe's hand.
story #367 (s5765-10/ 4 Kislev
Pittsburgh Miracle
was a respected lecturer in sports nutrition, who had been on the staff of the
1984 Summer Olympics.
story #366
(s5765-09/ 26 Mar-Cheshvan 5765)
of Salvation
"Accept the lease," advised Rabbi
Yitzchak Isaac of Zhidachov, "and start digging a well there."
story #365 (s5765-08/ 19 Mar-Cheshvan
The Fallen Sword of the Sultan
elderly Rabbi of the Hebron community, Rabbi Avraham Azuli, solved the
story #364
(s5765-07/ 12 Mar-Cheshvan 5765)
Credit Not
Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kosov
recommended him to recount his woes to Rabbi Uri of Strelisk also.
story #363 (s5765-06/ 5 Mar-Cheshvan
Healing Treatment
Yitzchak Meir, the "Chidushei HaRim" of Gur, asked for a story concerning
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev and circumcision
#362 (s5765-05/ 28 Tishrei 5765)
The Secret of "L'Chaim" Revealed
Some Jews who
were not adherents of the Chassidic path challenged Rabbbi Yisrael of Rhyzhin.
story #361 (s5765-04/
21 Tishrei 5765)
Don't Mix!
the High Holidays, the daughter of Rabbi Meir of Primishlan was severely
story #360 (s5765-03/
14 Tishrei 5765)
The Most Beautiful Sukka in Jerusalem
Mottele of Chernobyl built the most elaborate and beautiful sukka anyone in
WWI Jerusalem ever saw.
story #359
(s5765-02/ 7 Tishrei 5765)
The Holy Thief
The Shpoler Zeide befriended a number of thieves, and even used to boast
to the Almighty about them.
story #358
(s5765-01/ Erev Rosh Hashana 5765
The Introduction
"I am a widely-acclaimed preacher, worthy of preaching in the shul of Rebbe
Levi Yitzchok of Berditchov."