Active Synagogues in Tsfat Old City

Zefat's most beautiful shul. Built in the 1490's according to Kabbalistic outlines by the students of R. Yitzchak Abuhav, it was destroyed in the 1837 earthquake, except the wall with the ark containing the Torah scroll written by R. Abuhav. Daily Sunrise minyan; Shabbat sunrise and 7:30am minyan; early Shabbat afternoon mincha minyan (5pm in summer). Sephardic.

(Sephardic). Historic shul. Daily Shacharit and Shabbat minyans. Sephardic.

Built after the Ari's death on the site where the kabbalists of Zefat originated the Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat service ("Lecha Dodi," etc.) Daily minyans three times a day, Shacharit at 6:15am. Shabbat morning at 8:00am. Famous painted olive-wood ark.

Ari-Beit Midrash
Next to the Ari-Ashkenazi. Formerly the shul of the Ashkenazi chief rabbis of Zefat. Daily minyans, shacharit at 6:30am.

The site where the Ari actually prayed. The small side room is said to be where the Ari learned secrets from the prophet Eliyahu. Shabbat evening and morning minyan at 7:30am.

(Sephardic) Site of earthquake miracle event. Once known as "the Baal Tshuvah Shul." Shabbat minyans only, shacharit at 8:00am.

Named after the Mishnaic sage is buried there. Afternoon classes for boys; Very early Shabbat eve minyan. Sephardic.

Formerly the "Mizrachi shul," now the "Carlebach minyan" featuring the Friday night extravaganza. Shabbat morning at 8:00am and early Mincha at 1:45pm. Hallel with musical instruments during Chol HaMoed and sometimes on Rosh Chodesh.

New large synagogue in the Breslov Chassidic community at the bottom of the old city, which has roots in Zefat since the early 19th century. Famous Friday night minyan. Daily minyans include a Shacharit sunrise minyan and another at 7:40am. Shabbat morning at 7:30. Shabbat Mincha in the sUmmer at 6:10pm.

Said to be built on the site of the 16th century yeshiva of the famous chief rabbi of Zefat, compiler of "Shulchan Aruch" (Code of Jewish Law). Shabbat minyans, including Shacharit at 7:30am and Mincha at 6pm in summer. Sephardic.

Chabad Canaan ("Beit Levi-Yitzchak")
The largest synagogue in the north of Israel, plus three smaller rooms to accomodate the dozens of daily minyans, from 6:15 on. Early weekday Mincha Minyans at 1/2 hour after Jewish midday and at 1:30pm. Late weekday Maariv minyans at 8:00 (8:30 in summer), 9:00 and 10:00pm. Shabbat morning at 7:45 and 10:00 (10:30 on Shabbat Mevorachin).

Chabad Old City (see Tsemach Tsedek)

Under the aegis of the Skverer Rebbe. Daily Mincha-Maariv minyans, plus early Mincha at 1:15. Shabbat morning at 8:30.

Recently rennovated chasidic shul. Shabbat mornings at 8:30am.

Tsfat finally has a shul, named after the Vilna Gaon, where they pray with the good ol' Lithuanian-Askenazic order of prayers. Two minyans each for weekday Shacharit and Mincha; Shabbat morning at 8:00 and an early Mincha at 1:30pm.

Heichal Nissim
Directly across the street from Ascent's garden entrance! Sephardic. All daily minyans, including two in the morning: sunrise and 8:00. Shabbat morning at 7:30;Early Mincha at 5:30pm in summer.

(Chassidic) The 'screamers.' Shabbat minyans only.

Reopened and renovated two decades ago by English-speaking Chassidic community. Daily minyans, including Shacharit at 8:00am. Shabbat morning at 8:30. The Biala Rebbe often prays there.

Beautiful location at the end of the Artists' Colony. Daily minyans, including Shacharit at 7:00 and every half hour thereafter until 11am, an early Mincha at 1:15 (including Fridays), and late Maariv minyans at 8:30, 9:30, 10:30 & 11:00pm. Shabbat mornings at 9:00am and a later minyan at 1 hour before halachic mid-day..

Recently reopened for the use of an American-style yeshiva. Shabbat evening 'Carlebach' minyan. Shabbat morning at 8:15.

Minchat Yehuda
The home for the Tehilat L'David kabbalah yeshiva, around the corner from Ascent. All regular minyans plus a 2:00am-4:30am kabbalah session followed by immersion in the Ari Mikveh and a sunrise minyan.

The second generation of Nadvorna Chassidic rebbes in Zefat has his doors open all week. Renovated mikveh. Shacharit at 7:00 during the week and 8:45 on Shabbat. Friday night "Tisch" at 11:45pm


Located in same lane as ASCENT. Weekday Maariv at 9pm. Shabbos Shacharis at 8:45am

(Chassidic) Built during 1870's. Today contains a Kollel ("Miphal Shas"), mikveh, and many daily minyans, including in the morning: 6am and every 20 minutes starting at 7am; and in addtition to the regular times, Mincha at 1:20 and Maariv at 8:30, 9, 10, and 11pm. Shabbat morning at 9:00 & 9:45am. Very hot mikvehs.

Shem v'Ever

Located next to tradional site of the yeshiva where Yaakov came to study beofre maarriage. Daily Minca & Maariv Minyan, please early Mincha at 1:30 (2:00?). Shabbat morning at sunrise and at 8am; Mincha at 6pm in summer.

Beautifully renovated by the Bretzlov community. Weekdays-only minyans include Shacharit at 7am. Kollel and mikveh.

Tsemach Tsedek
(Chabad) Built by emissaries of the third Lubavicher Rebbe in the middle of the 19th century. Shabbat morning at 9:00 (Shabbat Mevorachin at 10). Recently renovated. Daily minyans, including Shacharit at 8:30 and an additional Mincha minyan at 1:30. Many Torah classes for men during the week (and for women at nearby Chabad House.)



Redesign and implementation - By WEB-ACTION