Recently Added Photos

of visitors to Ascent and of Ascent activities appear on the following pages:

"Off the Wall" 14 spectacular photos downloaded from our Facebook wall (last updated: July 25)

PHOTO ID Contest - Photo #180 - posted 23 Tammuz 5771 (July 25, 2011)



"High-Stepping from Passover to Shavuot": a pictorial essay (posted: May 10)

149 photos on our Hebrew Facebook from our Purim 2011 celebrations - posted 22 Adar B 5771 (March 28, 2011)

"Friend Brings Friend" Campaign - posted 26 Shevat 5771 (Jan. 31, 2011)

Ascent's 28th Annual Tu b"shvat Seder (January 19, 2011--last updated: Jan. 31)

Staff page - last updated: Jan. 24

"Healing and Harmony" (January 2011--last updated: Jan. 12) -- 41 photos on Facebook

"Ignite Your Soul" (Chanukah 2010--last updated: Dec. 27) -- 39 photos on Facebook

Ascent Snaps 5770: a photo review of people, places and events from the concluded Jewish year

Chanukah 2009 -- A Photo Essay

Purim 2009 -- A Photo Retrospective

The Day of the Ramak 2005

"Psychology & Kabbalah" - Summer 2008

Ascent Faces; Ascent Places (last updated: Dec. 22) 2 among many exciting albums on Facebook

Photo ID Contest!

Identify yourself and the year of the photo and win a valuable prize!
[one prize per photo]

Year posted

Photo numbers


(Photos 1-29)


(Photos 30-58)


(Photos 59-85)


(Photos 86-116)


(Photos 117-139)


(Photos 143-166)


(Photos 167-?) #180 so far


Redesign and implementation - By WEB-ACTION