"After the Sharon government, the Moshiach will come"
-- so foresees the tzaddik, the G-dly Rabbi Yitzchok Kaduri,the
renowned Kabbalist of over 100 years age. His words were reported in the
Israeli newspaper Yediot Achronot.
In the words of the Rav, the Moshiach is already in the Holy Land, and
will reveal himself in the future at the moment that is set for him. The
Rav revealed to his students that according to calculations of the Vilna
Gaon, the war of Gog and Magog began about [three] years ago (on Hoshana
Raba), and will continue for seven years. During this time, every moment
is suited for the Moshiach to reveal himself. (The American War on Terror
began on Hoshana Raba when the Americans went into Afghanistan.)
Rav Kaduri has lately been speaking with greater frequency on the revelation
of the Moshiach, and he said that signs have already been given for this
from Heaven by way of cosmic events, which indicate -- according to the
secrets of Torah -- the arrival of the benevolent end of days. "The
world continues on and is being sweetened" -- thus is the Rav accustomed
to addressing his students.
The revelation of the Moshiach, according to the Rav, will rescue Jerusalem
from the hands of Islam and Xtianity, both of which seek to overwhelm
Jerusalem and wrest ownership of her away from the Jewish people; but
their ways will not succeed and they will wage war against each other.
The Rav revealed that hidden in the garments of Moshiach is a Magen-David
which grants him the power to conduct himself in a concealed way.
As will be remembered, at the time of the meeting between Rav Kaduri,
shlita and the Lubavitcher Rebbe more than 12 years ago, the Rebbe said
to him that he would merit to live until the revelation of Moshiach.
[based on www.kaduri.net/Home/news.asp?id=324]