The Trauma of Disengagment: Healing from Amputation
By Nechama Sarah Gila
Continuing the Kabbalistic metaphor as set forth in "Heal Israel,"
we are all in shock from the amputation of the 'right foot' of the people
of Israel. Now the Shomron, the land inheritance of the tribe of Ephraim,
connected to the gall bladder of the body of Israel, is being masochistically
cut off.
According to the Kabbalah, the gall bladder is the organ that controls
intercourse. Healthy relationships between individuals and nations depend
on a strong gall bladder and the tribe of Ephraim rooted in our land.
How are we reacting to this self-imposed butchering? The shock of the
disengagement is being met with many and varied reactions. There is a
lot of confusion and seemingly contradictory responses. We may understand
these responses in light of the different energies that make up our personality.
As we embrace all aspects of our psyche we may individually, and as a
people, respond in a wholesome and effective way so that we may not only
assure our survival, but also regenerate an even more vital life force.
According to the Kabbalah, each individual is a composite of all twelve
tribes. Each tribe responds to reality in a different way. Also, just
as trauma affects each limb and organ of a body we may understand the
complexity of responses to the crisis of disengagement. The more we explore
these responses the better we are prepared to follow the course of action
that is appropriate for our soul.
Dan, the tribe of judges is connected to the liver. According to the
Kabbalah, the liver is the seat of "anger" from which a cry
for truth and justice reverberates throughout the body of Israel, and
throughout all of humanity.
When our liver is working at the height of its spiritual functioning
we rectify our "anger". Throwing curses at each other and wanting
to kill the offenders of true vision is a product of unrectified "anger".
Rather, we use this powerful energy to restore justice and truth. This
is a very healthy response. We maintain the vision that redemption depends
on every Jew returning to his land inheritance.
Dan's response insures that we will reclaim the land that we tore ourselves
from. We will not be at peace until this happens. When we are connected
to our Creator we know that true justice, many times hidden, is ultimately
being orchestrated. However, with the energy of Dan we do not passively
accept mystical explanations of tragedy. Rather we act from the inner
pulsations of truth and justice, which is in our very blood, reverberating
throughout our liver.
The tribe of Benjamin was given the land inheritance of the site of the
Temple in Jerusalem. Benjamin is the visionary within us and the visionaries
amongst us. Through Benjamin's lenses we find comfort in knowing that
all that has transpired is part of a larger Divine plan. We are always
able to keep focused on G-d's promise of redemption through which all
Jews will return to their land inheritance. Benjamin's perception of vision,
faith and acceptance is one of twelve healthy responses. As we recover
from trauma we must also embrace this perspective.
And so it is for each tribe, which genetically and spiritually exists
in each one of us. A healthy organism will respond with a harmonious integration
of all dimensions. If we only respond with vision and the acceptance that
G-d is in everything and that all is
G-d's will, we may become sedated, inactive and impotent. So too, acting
to restore truth and justice without the perspective of vision and faith
may lead to unhealthy rage
Yissachar, the tribe of Torah scholars was consulted about the timing
of events. The kings, who were from the tribe of Yehuda, consulted Yissachar
about when to go to war as well as when to refrain.
Yehuda is our royal voice within. As the leader he defines us as a people,
what eternal values we stand for and where we draw our borders on all
Ephraim is the diplomatic negotiator. But, Ephraim detached from Yehuda
compromises our borders. And, Yehuda without Ephraim lacks an understanding
of how to relate to the world.
May we all restore our inner balance as we recover from the trauma of
disengagement. We are one people with one heart. Just as each tribe needs
the other to complete the body of Israel, so too each one of us must harmonize
the seemingly contradictory voices within us as we tolerate each other's
reactions. We made a covenant with G-d at Mt. Sinai: now, guided by the
wisdom of the Torah, we will heal our imbalances.
Thus, when it is time, we will come to action in a united and integrated
way both as individuals and as a people. We may then efficiently fill
our role in guiding all of humanity towards redemption.
Nechama Burgeman is the authoress of The Twelve Dimensions
of Israel and Israel and the Seventy Dimensions of the World (a
Kabbalistic approach to an Enduring World Peace). Her website is