For Ascent Accommodations and Shabbat Meal Placements


Please click here to fill out our reservation form.

All reservations require confirmation from our office in Safed. We will respond, G-d willing, within 48 hours.

























E-mail address:
Phone (in Israel):
Arrival Date At Ascent:
Expected Departure Date:
Date of Birth:
Gender: Male      Female
Are you currently in Israel? Yes       No
If yes, are you a: Tourist       Student       Resident       Volunteer       Other
If you are a student, where?
Are you Jewish? Yes       No
Have you previously been at Ascent? Yes       No
If yes, when?
What is your name in Facebook?
Answer the following ONLY if you plan to be at Ascent for Shabbat or a Jewish holiday
Do wish meal placements with local families (may involve 15-25 min. walk up and down hills)? Evening      Late Morning
Do you eat: Meat     Chicken      Fish      Vegan
Level of Shabbat observance: Full       Partial      None
Comfortable with a Hebrew-speaking family? Yes       No
Language preferred
(only if not English or Hebrew)

We ask you to enter the number two (the digit, not the letters "two") in the box below to confirm that you are not a robot sending us SPAM.

Remember: all reservations require confirmation from our office in Safed.

We will respond, G-d willing, within 48 hours.

Redesign and implementation - By WEB-ACTION