Weekly Chasidic Story #721 (s5771-55 / 20 Elul 5771) The Rebbe Stronger Than a Cossack The doctors told Rabbi Mordechai Dov of Hornsteipel that it would be necessary to sear one spot on his body with a burning-hot lance. Connection: Seasonal - 107th yahrzeit / supplement to story #717 (see below).
The Rebbe Stronger Than a Cossack
"There will be no need to tie me," the Rebbe answered quietly. "I will not move." The doctor began the treatment and the Rebbe, true to his word, did not move a muscle. He did not emit as much as a groan as his skin was scorched with a searing-hot metal stick. Amazed at this incredible willpower, the doctor remarked to the Rebbe's son, who was standing nearby, that just the day before he had performed the identical treatment on a Russian Cossack. The moment the hot lance had touched the Cossack's skin, he had jumped out of his seat -- ripping open the restraint that bound him -- and escaped through the window. The Rebbe, who overheard, surprised them all with his response: "Believe me, when a Jew comes to me and pours out the troubles that weigh down his heart, when he so desperately needs help and there is no way to help him, that pain burns more fiercely within me than even a burning-hot lance." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Connection: Seasonal - 107th yahrzeit of the Hornsteipeler. Biographic note:
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