Weekly Chasidic Story #1416 (5785-18) 27 Tevet 5785 (Jan.27,
"Sharing the Same Sins"
Why did Rabbi Levi-Yitzchak of Berditchev insist upon a specific pair of nondescript
second-hand tefilin from among the dozens in the possession of the town's 'Burial
Why this week? The second day of the Jewish month of Sh'vat (2025: Friday,
Jan. 31) is the yahrzeit of Rebbe Zusha.
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Sharing the Same Sins
It was the custom in Berditchev that the tefilin of deceased townsmen
would become the property of the local burial society, whose gabbai would
sell then for the benefit of the Chevrah Kaddisha.
One day this functionary received a visit from Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, the
rabbinical judge of the town, who asked to be shown all the tefilin on hand,
for he wished to buy a pair for himself. The gabbai complied, whereupon the
tzadik soon chose a particular pair.
The gabbai gathered that he would not have come along to simply buy himself
a nondescript secondhand pair of tefilin, there must be more to this purchase
than met the eye. So he said: "Rebbe, I am willing to sell you all the
pairs of tefilin you see here - except for this pair. This pair I am not willing
to part with
But it was only this pair that the tzadik earnestly begged him to sell.
So finally the gabbai said: "Very well, I will agree to sell them to you,
but only on condition that you tell me what is so special about them that makes
you seek this particular pair."
"Very well," said the tzadik. "As you no doubt know, for
many years the brothers Reb Elimelech of Lyzhinsk and Reb Zusya of
Anipoli wandered about among the townships and villages, with the aim of
making ba'alei teshuvah - filling people with the desire for repentance.
"Whenever they arrived at some place for the night, one of them would address
the other as if he were a sinner turning to his rebbe, weeping over his imagined
sins and requesting a suitable penance. And while so doing within earshot of
their host, he would list all the transgressions of which his host was in fact
"Overhearing the seeming confession of another, the host would recall that
he 'too', as it were, had sinned in a like manner, and this recollection would
cause him to repent.
"Arriving one night at the house of a Jew who lived in a certain village,
Reb Zusha began tearfully begging his brother to prescribe a penance for him
for his negligence. Throughout his life, he had never had his tefilin checked
to see whether the verses inscribed on the parchment scrolls inside them were
still in valid condition. And now he had at last given his tefilin to a scribe
for checking, and had found that there were no scrolls inside them whatever!
If so, then he had lived all his life in an illusion, and clearly fell in the
category of 'a head that had never worn tefilin.'
"At this point, Reb Elimelech, the older brother, took over, and explained
to his brother what a serious state of affairs this was. And as their host overheard
this dialogue, he recalled that he 'too' had never given his tefilin to a scribe
for checking.
"He ran off to fetch them, and when they were opened, he found that they
were utterly empty! Alarmed by his discovery, he sobbed out his story to the
two visitors and begged them to direct him as to how to repent.
"Reb Elimelech now turned to Reb Zusha and said 'Please write out a set
of scrolls for the tefilin of our host. And as you do so, make it your solemn
intention to draw down into their words the kind of light from Above that will
be of the intensity appropriate to a man who has never fulfilled the mitzvah
of tefilin in his life.'
"Reb Zusha took out parchment, quill and ink, and devoutly inscribed the
passages required. Then he rolled up the tiny scrolls, placed them inside the
black leather boxes of the tefilin, and returned them to their owner.
"But the divine light that those tefilin now radiated was of an intensity
that this man was unable to bear. Soon after this incident he moved here to
Berditchev and a short while later, died in our city.
"And these," concluded Reb Levi Yitzchak, "are the selfsame tefilin
which thus found their way into the hands of our local burial society."
Source: Modified by Yerachmiel Tilles from 'A treasury of Chasidic
Tales' (Artscroll), the translation by R. Uri Kapoun of the classic 'Sipurei
Chasidim' by one of the most prominent Talmudic and halachic authorities of
the 20th Century, Rabbi Shlomo-Yosef Zevin.
Why this week? The second day of the Jewish month of Sh'vat (2025: Friday,
Jan. 31) is the yahrzeit of Rebbe Zusha.
Biographic notes (3 - in order of appearance):
Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev (1740 - 25 Tishrei 1810) is one of
the most popular rebbes in chassidic history. He was a close disciple of the
Maggid of Mezritch. He is best known for his love for every Jew and his active
efforts to intercede for them against (seemingly) adverse heavenly decrees.
Many of his teachings are contained in the posthumously published Kedushas
Rabbi Elimelech of Lyzhinsk (1717 - 21 Adar A, 1787), was a major disciple
of the Maggid of Mezritch, successor to the Baal Shem Tov, and
the leading Rebbe of the subsequent generation in Poland-Galitzia. Many of the
great Chassidic dynasties stem from his disciples. His book, Noam Elimelech,
is one of the most popular of all Chassidic works.
Rabbi Zusha of Anapoli (1718 - 2 Shvat 1800), was a major disciple of
the Magid of Mezritch, successor to the Baal Shem Tov. The seemingly
unsophisticated but clearly inspired "R. Zusha" is one of the best
known and most beloved Chassidic personalities. He and his famous brother, R.be
Elimelech of Lizensk, spent many years wandering in exile, for esoteric reasons.
Tilles is co-founder and associate director of Ascent-of-Safed, and chief editor
of this website (and of KabbalaOnline.org). He has hundreds of published stories
to his credit, and many have been translated into other languages. He tells
them live at Ascent nearly every Saturday night.
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