Weekly Chasidic Story #1209
(s5781-21) 26 Shvat
5781 / Feb.8, 2021)
This week "The Positively Handicapped
Genius" "When Uri-Yitzhak Shachor first arrived, we
knew there was a big task to be managed," the Rosh Yeshiva recalls. "Yet,
today, we are at the point that Uri Yitzhak is an essential light in the yeshiva."
Connection: The Weekly Reading of Mishpatim is the basis
for nearly all the Torah's rulings in matters of civil law. Story
in PDF
format for more convenient printing. The
Positively Handicapped Genius
Based on an article
by Yosef Ehrenfeld on //israelnationalnews.com (Feb. 27, 2020). Despite
severe physical limitation, Uri-Yitzhak Shachor became one of the prominent scholars
in the Nahalat Yosef Yeshiva in Shavei Shomron, in central Israel. "Up
until the second year, I struggled with my disability. I did not want to be disabled,"
shared Uri Yitzhak Shachor, a fourth-year student at Nahalat Yosef Yeshiva in
Shavei Shomron. "Being handicapped is suffering. How much more money should
be spent each month on a disabled person? Therapeutic swimming, transportation
from yeshiva and back to yeshiva... It requires a lot of money and
loads of strength, which I did not always have." In 11th grade, he
reached a breaking point. I returned home and was very depressed. I had
tremendous pity on my parents. During this time they raised seven children. It
was difficult for me knowing I was a burden. All I wanted was to have a normal
life. " However, at one point Uri Yitzhak's attitude towards the disability
changed. It was a sentence he heard from one of the rabbi's during a moment of
crisis. "The rabbi asked me, 'Why are you crying? Perhaps there might
be something positive about you being handicapped.' At first, I was amazed, but
after a few minutes I started to change my thinking." Despite severe
physical limitation, Uri Yitzhak Shachor became one of the prominent scholars
in the Nahalat Yosef Yeshiva in Shavei Shomron. Today, he is considered a rare
phenomenon in the yeshiva world. At the age of only 22, he has already
managed to complete the entire Talmud -- 2711 folios (5422 pages) divided into
63 tractates -- no less than eleven times! He achieved this almost unprecedented
level despite his cerebral palsy, which confines him to a wheelchair.
Now he aspires to the next goal: to become a rabbi in Israel, and at the next
stage a dayan -- a rabbinical judge -- probably the first disabled
dayan in Israel.
He is the eldest son of eight brothers and sisters.
His family lives in the religious settlement Sde Yaakov in the Jezreel Valley,
where his father Yishai is a doctor and a mohel (cirumcizer), and his mother,
Yehudit, is a veterinarian who runs a home clinic. From the moment of birth,
the parents realized that they were expecting quite a challenge, but only after
a few months did the extent of the challenge become clear: Uri Yitzhak was afflicted
with cerebral palsy. Today, after a long and intense process, Shachor
is willing to share his life story, with the goal of empowering those who are
in a similar situation to his own. His speech is slow but confident, and he's
not hesitant to open his heart.
Undoubtedly this is a brilliant kid. Beginning
from second grade, he attended the local school in his moshav, and did
his high school studies at the Nahalat Yisrael Yeshiva in Migdal Ha'emek. After
that he went on to senior yeshiva studies, but it was only after two years at
the yeshiva in Shavei Shomron that his consciousness changed with regard to his
condition, as mentioned above.
He gives the major credit for his attitude
change to his yeshiva friend, who also helps him physically on a daily
basis. "The person who really opened a completely different view
of things, of what it means to be a disabled person, is Re'em Bernstein, my close
friend and aide, who said a powerful and true sentence. He said that the disabled
have tremendous powers that not everyone sees, and that: the handicapped are the
greatest people of the generation.
"At first I couldnt understand
how a disabled person can be so great, and only then did I realize that I had
the opportunity to live life to the fullest. True, it is hard to be disabled and
all things are done slowly, but there is also a positive side to it. A person
who does things slowly, lives every moment of life. Realizing that I have limited
physical power, but with the power I have, I do my best. Every person must understand
that, even though their powers are great, they have a limit too. Not everything
is achievable.
Re'em Bernstein, the friend and aide, describes Uri Yitzhak's
upheaval during his first yeshiva years. "At first, he didn't do much
for himself. His friends would help him and pamper him endlessly. By the second
year, I started demanding things from him, like getting out of bed alone, brushing
his teeth, adjusting the water in the shower on his own, getting in and out of
the shower alone, putting on a shirt - and today he does it all by himself. I
help him only as a caddy, to bring him the objects he needs.
He went through a profound change here. It really stabilized him. That's
how he managed to write his own Torah commentaries. Next year he also plans to
do a year of Sheirut Leumi (National Volunteer Service). Without
the yeshiva, his situation would have remained stagnant for many more years.
He became more independent and balanced."
Despite the physical progress
he has made in recent years, Uri Yitzhak still has to devote a good part of his
day to physical needs, and he still requires basic-function assistance. But he
does not give up. "Although I am disabled, in place of everything G-d
takes, He also gives. I can study Torah very swiftly. My fantastic memory makes
me proficient about much of the studying. In Talmud studies I learn between 15
to 20 pages of Gemara daily!"
In response to the question, What
remains in memory of the vast volume of pages you study daily? Uri Yitzhak
usually invites the questioner to test him on the pages. Or else he replies
simply, "The L-rd granted me great memory. The head of the Yeshiva, Rabbi
Yehoshua Schmidt, tested me and can testify that not only am I a constant learner,
but that I am well versed in everything I have learned. For example, when
he was only in the 10th grade, he went to the national Bible quiz and came in
sixth place.
One of the things that has caused him many years of frustration
is the public's attitude towards the handicapped. "This is mainly due to
the speed at which the world is running today," he assesses. "The world
is moving at a very fast pace. There is hardly anybody who does not think about
several things at the same time. It causes a great glitch in society. Today one
looks only at the quantity, how much one has achieved. That's all. No appreciation
for hard work or all the challenges one has overcome".
This insight,
which meant that the handicapped can only proliferate through a language that
is appropriate to their lifestyle, led to the fact that last winter, he began
studying for the rabbinate's tests, "so that there will be a handicapped
rabbi in Israel who for once, will truly understand their struggles." The
reality of a disabled person, even in the perspective of halacha (Jewish
law), is something that a normal person finds difficult to comprehend. To understand
better, Uri Yitzhak gives as an example the mitzvah of holding and shaking
the four minim (species)[1] on Sukkot. "What
will a man do with only one hand? How will he complete the mitzvah of the
four minim? In halachic law there are two options. Take each one
of the minim separately, or do it with your mouth or foot.
is the question of a disabled person being wheeled with a motorized wheelchair
on Shabbat and Festivals. "These are examples of questions that an ordinary
person does not think about."
He relates that halachic issues
have occupied him from an early age,as all his handicap issues were accompanied
by not so simple halachic questions. When he first received a motorized
wheelchair, Uri Yitzhak debated about his permit to use it on Shabbat. "Basically,
there are such chairs today with a Shabbat command system. When I was 14, I contacted
Rabbi Dov Lior[2], who is our relative. Rabbi Lior said
the only problem was incandescent light bulbs, because they technically were a
real burning fire, but in the chair itself there was no problem of a Torah prohibition.
So we replaced the lights in the chair with LED bulbs." On Shabbat he
reads the Torah from time to time as he sits in his chair, as he did on his Bar
This past summer, the Chief Rabbinate changed the prerequisite
conditions for becoming a rabbi, so that any man who turned 21 could take the
exam, and not just the married ones. Uri Yitzhak pounced on the opportunity.
"Not long after I arrived at the yeshiva, Rabbi Schmidt urged
me to study well without any exemptions, including all halachic subjects
discussed in the Beit Yosef and 'Shulchan Aruch' compendiums [3],
so that I had extensive background in the many topics. The first of many exams
which I began to study for was the laws of circumcision."
In the month
of Cheshvan this year [Oct. 2020), Uri Yitzhak and his mother traveled from Sde
Yaakov to Jerusalem to take the exam. "I don't know any other parents who
pushed and supported so much so their son can succeed in the Torah. I'm not sure
a normal parent would be able to face the challenge". According to the
Chief Rabbinate, close to 5,000 people from all over the country were tested at
this time, with Uri Yitzhak being the only disabled candidate. "They told
my mom this is the first time a person in a wheelchair came to take the bar. Basically,
the test is in writing, but since I can't write, a tester was assigned to type
the answers for me. The test was long and hard, with no reference material, I
needed to remember it all, including the 'shakla vterya' (the back-and-forth
debates before the final conclusion of a difficult law was reached).
months ago, his 75-year-old grandfather, the late Rabbi Shmuel Friedman, died
suddenly. He was a very active person and came to Shavei Shomron at least once
a week to study one-on-one with his brilliant grandson. Towards the
end of the 30-day mourning period for his grandfather, Uri Yitzchak published
a booklet "Lehavot Yitzchak - Siftei Shmuel" - Torah commentaries
on the book of Numbers he wrote himself, along with reminiscences about his grandfather.
the booklet, he collected Torah commentaries on the book of Numbers, which were
already written down by his yeshiva friends. They are now in the final
stages of preparation for the publication of the full book of Uri Yitzhak's Torah
commentaries, planned for Adar 21 (in 3 weeks, on March 5), the anniversary of
the death of the great 18th century chasidic master, Rabbi Elimelech of Lyzansk,
who wrote "Let us see the virtue of our friends and not their shortcomings."
Uris aspiration and main goal is to make "Handicapped Day"
a day in which the public stops and salutes the disabled.
The idea of publishing
his Torah thoughts was conceived even earlier. "I thought to myself: 'If
I'm not for myself, than who is and when I'm only for myself then what am I? 'If
I study Torah only for myself, what am I? It's time to put my thoughts into action."
addition to investing his time and energy in rabbinical studies for subsequent
ordination as a Dayan for litigation, Shachor also works to make the basic services
needed for every Jew available, such as the mikvahs. He discovered that
things could be changed and executed better. When he came to study at the yeshiva
in Shavei Shomron, the yeshiva was not accessible and handicapped friendly
at all. "The yeshiva has turned itself inside out for me,"
he describes excitedly, "the place was inaccessible and had to raise more
than NIS 40,000. They brought in a contractor so that the yeshiva will
be accessible. Today we are proud that the yeshiva is accessible. The Torah
belongs to all people of Israel, including the disabled."
In contrast,
the status of the mikvahs in Israel, he says, is far from satisfactory.
"Today, for a handicapped man[4] to bathe in the mikveh
is a tremendous effort. I have to find where and how. I want to change that reality.
To create a situation that every city will have an accessible mikveh. The
next stage after that is to make all yeshivas accessible."
the near future, Uri Yitzhak has plans to open a Facebook page where he will share
his personal experiences as a disabled person, with the aim of changing the public
consciousness towards people with disabilities. My slogan is: 'A person with a
disability is not inferior',"he said. He quotes a rabbi who once said
to him: "A handicapped perosn becomes a disabled person because the body
could not meet the size of the soul and is therefore broken."
people do not understand it," he said, "sometimes even people who are
very close to the handicapped do not understand it. Disability is a cover, and
when you open the cover, you find unbelievable spiritual strengths."
Yitzhak is a symbol of strength in his determination," says Rabbi Yehoshua
Schmidt, the head of the yeshiva, "he could give up and get lost so
easily. Even in classes, he participates and does not give up. Apart from the
single individuals that help him every day, the entire yeshiva is committed
to him and wants him to be happy. We're glad he doesn't feel alone. Many times
we take him to the center of the dance circle. He joins us in weddings also and
we don't give up on him. On Simchat Torah we danced around the neighborhood and,
and of course, took Uri Yitzhak with us.
"When Uri Yitzhak first
arrived, we knew there was a big task to be managed," Rabbi Schmidt recalls,
"to take a boy with disabilities who leaves home for the first time to a
full time boarding school. Apart from the physical difficulty, there was also
the difficulty of moving. We saw this as a task, but we didn't know exactly how
big it was going to be. At first there were difficulties and it was unclear how
we would get past them. We had a lot of conversations with the boy and his parents,
who have boundless powers, very strong people who give us great sustainability.
Today we are at the point that Uri Yitzhak is an essential light
in the yeshiva. We cannot picture the yeshiva without him. His knowledge,
his thoughts, his behavior, his Torah and his wisdom of life. We hope that all
the yeshivas will take on boys with disabilities. It will enhance them
as well as the boys and make them all better people." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Source:
Excerpted and adapted by Yerachmiel Tilles from the above mentioned Arutz 7 article.
Photo credit: Amichai Bachar Connection: The Weekly Reading of Mishpatim
is the basis for nearly all the Torah's rulings in matters of civil law. Footnotes: [1]Lulav
(date palm frond), etrog (citron fruit), hadassim (at least 3 myrtle stalks),
and arovot (two willow branches). [2]The chief rabbi of Hebron and Kiryat Arba
and currently a rosh yeshiva and the head of the Council of Rabbis of Judea
and Samaria [3]Both authored by the great 16th century sageRabbi Yosef Caro,
the latter during his years here in Tsfat. [4]And much more important, for
handicapped women
Tilles is co-founder and associate director of Ascent-of-Safed, and chief editor
of this website (and of KabbalaOnline.org). He has hundreds of published stories
to his credit, and many have been translated into other languages. He tells them
live at Ascent nearly every Saturday night.
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