
Dancing Daughters

Part I

IV. Soul Sources
Four-Letter Foundation
Sefira Sisters
Beyond Boy

V. Double Your Money
Full Blossom
Ruth's Fullness

VI. Triple Achievement
Torah and Mitzvot

IV. Soul Sources

Four-Letter Foundation
Jewish unity, we have seen, results from the souls' source in "the spring of gardens" - an actual part of G-d above. A further distinction, though, can be made. Jewish unity is a result of the souls' origin in the ineffable four-letter Name of G-d: Y-H-V-H. A verse confirms this, "For G-d's portion is His people." (Deuteronomy 32:9)
Genesis, however, indicates a lower source - the Name of the L-rd (Elokim). Its verse states, "And the L-rd said, 'Let us make Man in our image." (Genesis 1:26) The Name L-rd appears 32 times in the Creation narrative. By employing the Name L-rd to account for man's origin, an equivalency to all of creation is implied. How do we reconcile this apparent contradiction?
Zohar solves our dilemma. Regarding souls, it is written elsewhere in Genesis, "He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." (Genesis 2:7) Zohar points out that G-d's essential four-letter Name is responsible for this act. It stresses, "When a person blows, he blows from inside." And Y-H-V-H relative to Elokim connotes innerness. Tanya adds a word to Deuteronomy's phrase to emphasize this, "verily a portion of G-d."
Since souls derive from G-d's four-letter Name, they, too, are divided into four categories. In general terms, souls descend from the Name's final heh. This level corresponds to the very last Divine attribute - Kingship (Malchut). Nevertheless, in a specific sense, each Jewish soul matches one of the Name's four letters.
The Patriarchs likewise illustrate this principle. The Midrash informs us, "They are the Supernal Chariot." Each of the Chariot's four legs represents Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David, respectively. Beneath the Chariot, this sub-division is mirrored by the four sets of the Tribes' encampments or "flags". Taken together, they form a single and unique chariot for G-d. Sefira Sisters
Now we can understand why the Mishna classified the daughters of Jerusalem in four types. Kabbala informs us that each category corresponds to a letter of G-d's Name. That's why the Talmud designates the daughters as, "the beautiful ones, those with distinguished lineage, wealthy ones, and poor ones."
How do these four kinds of Jewesses reflect the Name's letters? "Beautiful ones" connotes ultimate perfection. They match the Name's first letter - yud. This letter stands for the initial attribute (sefira) of Wisdom (Chochmah).
Next in line are "those with distinguished lineage". They hint to the Name's second letter - heh. Heh signifies the sefira of Understanding (Binah). King David reveals the link between Binah, also called "Mother", and lineage, "A joyful mother of children." (Psalms 113:9)
The third class, "wealthy girls," alludes to the sefira of Splendor (Tiferes). Splendor is the core of the six emotive attributes, which are symbolized by the Name's third letter - vav.
The last set, "poor ones," hints to the sefira of Kingship - the Name's final heh. Kingship is called poor because it was emanated bereft of light.
Now the Mishna's statement is better understood: "On Tu B'Av the daughters of Jerusalem and Israel went into the vineyards dancing and said, 'Young man, please lift up your eyes and behold.'" For, then, all of the sub-divisions of souls, paralleling the Name's four letters, emerged as one. They stood in the state of "the daughters of Jerusalem" - in consummate awe. They beckoned G-d, "Young man, please lift up your eyes and behold." Why? Their intent was to effect the perfect unity between G-d and the Congregation of Israel, which will be manifest in the Future Era.

Beyond Boy
A difficulty in this interpretation, though, is raised by Kabbala. Solomon's allusion of G-d as "a young man" is referenced by Kabbala as applying to His most exalted realm - "the Ancient One" (Atik Yomin). This aspect of Divinity manifests the Infinite One (Ein Sof), which immeasurably transcends G-d's four-letter Name. How can the daughters of Jerusalem say, "Young man, please lift up your eyes?" Does not Zohar teach that neither male nor female exists within the Ancient One?
Chassidus resolves the dilemma. When a couple wed, they elicit the infinite power of G-d's Absolute Essence. Only by means of His power can the ostensibly opposite male and female be joined together in complete union. Genesis says of Adam and Eve, "And he cleaves to his wife; they become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24)
Nonetheless, the Congregation of Israel implores G-d, "Young man, please lift up your eyes." Although spiritual mating isn't applicable in the abode of the Ancient One, still, He provides the power to consummate their bond. For it is precisely G-d's Absolute Essence that bestows Infinite power on marriages. This is a revelation of eternity - above all manner of measure and limitation. How is eternity expressed? A couple initiates the begetting of offspring for posterity.V. Double Your Money

Full Blossom
Now the Mishna can be understood in its entirety: "Israel had no holidays as the fifteenth of Av (Tu B'Av) and Yom Kippur. Because on Tu B'Av the daughters of Jerusalem and Israel went into the vineyards dancing and said, 'Young man, please lift up your eyes and behold.'" Following the catastrophic downfall of the Ninth of Av comes the stupendous ascent of the Future Era. What's more, Isaiah reveals that specifically by means of descent, we obtain G-d's highest aspect, "I will praise You, although You were angry with me; Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me." (Isaiah 12:1) Through a requisite plunge, we attain such fulfillment implied by the verse, "These are the generations of Peretz." (Ruth 4:18)
Ruth wrote the word "generations" with all its vowels. "Generations" appears thirteen times in Tanach. But it's written only twice with all its vowels. The other instance occurs at the conclusion of the Creation narrative, "These are the generations of the heaven and the earth when they were created." (Genesis 2:4)
The Midrash tells us that Genesis's "generations" is written out in full to teach us that, "The world was created in a completed state. For example, Adam and Eve were created with the bodies of a twenty year-old."

Ruth's Fullness
Chassidus delves deeper into the Midrash. Creation was enacted by a direct revelation of G-d's Ten Attributes. Consequently, Infinite Light shone in the world without hindrance and the world was then in a state of wholeness and completeness. Only afterwards, through the Sin of the Tree of Knowledge and later transgressions, did G-d's Light depart.
Why did Ruth repeat the full "generations" term? She envisioned the Messianic Redemption, as her final verse concludes, "And Jesse begot David." (Ruth 4:22) At that time, the world will reach a state of perfection yet greater than its originally created "condition of wholeness." By restating the concept of fullness, Ruth intimated a doubled wholeness.
Joseph's brothers had previously hinted a two-tiered exile, "We had come down twice." (Genesis 43"20) But they were speaking about what had transpired during their first visit to Egypt. Why did they say "twice"? In a similar manner, Ruth foresaw the destruction of both the First and Second Temples, each of which resulted in exile. She also envisioned a correlating elevation: a twofold ascent.
Then, the Congregation of Israel will call out to G-d, "Young man, please lift up your eyes and look." At that moment, our ultimate unification with G-d's Absolute Essence will be realized. And this bond will be permanent, as Isaiah said, "Your eyes will see Jerusalem, a quiet habitation, a tent that shall not be taken down; its pegs shall not be removed forever." (Isaiah 33:20) And Job said, "They cannot be moved."(Job 41:15)

IX. Triple Achievement

May it be G-d's Will that all of this happen in the immediate future with the true and complete Deliverance, called the "Third Redemption," alluding to the thrice-twined cord, whose quality will be realized in the Third Temple. G-d Himself will erect the Third Temple, as the Israelites sang upon crossing the split-open sea, "In the sanctuary, G-d, which Your hands have established." (Exodus 15:17)

Then, will manifest the wholeness of the three facets: the Jewish people, the Holy Land and the Torah. Moses told Pharaoh, "We will go with our young and our old, with our sons and our daughters." (Exodus 10:9) Likewise in the future deliverance, the Jewish People will also be complete. By increasing love of one's fellow and Jewish unity, we become one assemblage.

We will all return to the Holy Land, as Jeremiah said, "Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the ends of the earth, and with them the blind and the lame, the woman with child and her that travails with child together; a great company shall return there." (Jeremiah 31:7) We will encounter a complete Israel extending to her full borders. What's more, "G-d will enlarge your borders." (Deuteronomy 19:8) Greater Israel will include land inhabited in ancient times by the Kenites, Kenizites and Kadmonites - an area east of Biblical Israel.

Torah and Mitzvot
Torah and mitzvot will be practiced in an unprecedented manner of completeness. In our Shabbat prayers we recite, "There we will offer to You obligatory sacrifices… with love, in accordance with the command of Your Will." This will be facilitated by the future perfection of man who brings the sacrifices, of that which is sacrificed, and of the altar itself.
Until, all of this will bring perfection to the entire world, as the prophet Zephaniah foresaw, "For then I will transform the nations to a pure language, that they may all call upon the Name of G-d, to serve Him with common consent." (Zephaniah 3:9) "And the kingdom shall be G-d's." (Obadiah 1:21) May this happen speedily in our days.

[Rabbi David Rothschild, a resident of Safed, is the founder and editor of Nefesh Magazine.]


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